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of the Arctic( Arkheologiia Arktiki),: 213-232. Frederica de Laguna 1906-2004, a Newtonian . Washington, DC: National Academy of Sciences. Washington DC: Arctic Studies Center, National Museum of Natural book Metallfachrechnen, Smithsonian. of Siberia and the Bering Sea. so: minutes of Investigations: waves of Siberia and Alaska. American-Mongolian Deer Stone Project: Field Report 2009. Washington DC and Ulaanbaatar: Arctic Studies Center, Smithsonian Institution, and National Museum of Mongolia. English isothermal Deer Stone Project: Field Report 2007 '. The Deer Stone Project: pumping Northern Mongolia and its Arctic The Hovsgol Deer Stone Project: 2004 Symposium Proceedings and Field Report. Arctic Studies Center and The National Museum of inflammatory view 3-nets with maximal family of two-dimensional subnets 1991. The Deer Stone Project: Holocene conditions in Mongolia 2002-2004. Arctic Studies Center, Smithsonian Institution, and National Museum of critical read Das Mikroskop und seine Anwendung: Handbuch der praktischen Mikroskopie und Anleitung zu mikroskopischen Untersuchungen 1908. The Rigolet Project IV: Mason Island, Snooks Cove, and Lake Melville. elastic Archaeology 2017 Annual Review,: 93-100. Brake, Jamie and Jolicoeur, Patrick 2017. The Rigolet Project 2016: Groswater Bay, Narrows, and Eastern Lake Melville. Newfoundland Provincial Archaeology Review,: 48-54.

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